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Ayurveda is the world’s oldest holistic health system originating from India. It has been used for thousands of years to cleanse and restore balance to the body and mind. The balance is different for each and every one of us, so there is no one size fit’s all. Despite it being more than 5,000 years old it couldn’t be more relevant to our modern, busy and stressful lives today. At the heart of Ayurveda is digestion, what Ayurveda calls the Agni or the digestive fire. Our bodies are in tune with nature and according to the Circadian Rhythms, which is the Rhythm of the sun or surya, and therefore trying to honour and live in accordance with this, eating at a particular time when the sun is stronger, eating lighter dinners, eating meals in a stress-free manner, cooking with herbs and spices, understanding your lifestyle and re-aligning it will help serve your digestion better and in accordance keep you in better mental and physical health.

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